Monday, August 22, 2011

So where was I?

I think I've lost a little mojo. Some may say I've matured and that may be so but still, I wish I could wade into an argument guns ablaze, ready to defend my opinion. And I have defended my opinion, almost to the death. I have also however admitted when I was wrong, much as I hate doing that but sometimes a girl's got to do what she's got to do!
For now; my daughter and her cousin were involved in a FB spat. I supported my daughter's point of view and before I had time to think it through, I posted my support on FB as well. Jeez louis, what was I thinking? Anyway I was "unfriended' by the niece, and her mother. I apologized to the mother for sticking my nose into a place where it surely didn't belong and hoped it would be left at that. However, now my daughter is being accused of lying and I want to strangle the bitch (the mother) and tell her where to get off in language so far above her intellectual incapacities, she'll never understand it even if she stood on the shoulder of God.
But I won't because I'm mature.
By God I miss myself.

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