Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"You are dying! So what."

Mr Wilson's book is published in large print, very large print. Maybe it's biblical:"See with what large letters I write to you." Maybe the biblical Paul was myopic as well. Or maybe he (Mr Wilson) thinks that when you become involved with dying your eyesight also fails and you need the big letters. Or maybe it was just a really THIN book otherwise. I have mixed feelings about this book. In part it gives good solid advice but somehow he suggests that you are chipper and in charge. Shit, if I'm dying I don't think I'm going to be "Patient" or "Diplomatic." Dying after all, takes total commitment, there is no half-ass way of doing it.

And this crap that you must TEACH through your dying. Sorry buster, there are no teachers of death. I've not met one person who can say "I've done the whole dying thing and this is how it works." Dead people do not walk around as an every day event. (OK, let's not move into the paranormal now; normal is sticky enough as it is). And he recommends a "theme funeral", such as a circus theme or a holloween theme. Once again, not for me! As a character in "The Big Chill" said, "It's not fair, on the one day they know you can't come, they throw a big party for you".

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