Saturday, January 2, 2010

New YeaR

My new years resolutions are important to me. It's a mini attempt at changing myself bit by bit and so far it seems to work. Last year I decided to eat only one plate and I did, losing 9kg's and changing my lifestyle. Hooray for me!!!! This year, my resolution destined to be successful is, I will not do hard drugs. At the end of the year at least I KNOW I will have had one success. Then My to-do resolution is; I want to drive in such a way that I avoid speed tickets... A more difficult one since I'm a speed freak! The Personal one is; I will be honest with myself, after all who loses out but me if I lie to myself? The let's-finish-this-one is I MUST finish my thesis!!! And strangely the most difficult one is the one I make to spoil myself in some way. Last year I resolved to wear perfume every day and I Failed...tsk, tsk. So far I've not come up with one, but I give myself time till end of Jan to think. If anyone out there has a meaningful suggestion, I'm all ears!

1 comment:

Levi said...

Love the list, speed demon. haha
We cannot wear perfume here or others complain. And personal honesty is a must.
I have a mini list of 20 goals but some of them include planting seeds and cutting ivy.
Oh, and being thankful and more grateful.
Happy New Year!